PET strap production line

Plastic strap production line

PET strap production line

Strong stretching resistance :the strap strength of extension is the same as strip,but also have the extensibility of resisting can insure the safety of the transport of your products.

PET strap's characteristis:

PET strap production line
1.Strong stretching resistance :the strap strength of extension is the same as strip,but also have the extensibility of resisting can insure the safety of the transport of your products.
2.Small elongation:the elongation ratio is sixth of the PP strap, can contains tensioning for a long time.
3.Strong thermostability:the melting point is 120℃,used under 120℃ won't be out of the shape.
4.Perfect fiexbility:it has no sharp edge like strip,handling safety,neither injure hands nor destory the tied objects.
5.Beautiful and not get rusty: it dosen't have the hidden trouble of polluting the tied objects.and the colour is bright.